Monday, April 6, 2009

It's all over but for the voting!

All of the discussions for the nominated White Pine books have now been posted and now comes the hard part and that is picking and voting for your favourite book of the year.

Here at Secord, the ballots and ballot box have been placed out and everyone has til April 22 to cast their ballot.

Remember, you have to have read five of the ten nominated books to enable you to cast a vote for your favourite read.

Next stop? A great day in Toronto at The Harbourfront Centre for the White Pine announcement ceremony on Wednesday, May 13th. It's going to be a "par-tay" along with Fort Erie Secondary School and Westlane Secondary School when we travel together on that day. Can't wait!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tweaked by Kathryn Holubitsky
Tweaked is an honest, accurate, and non-judgmental portrait of a family dealing with methamphetamine addiction. Told from the perspective of the addict’s little brother, Tweaked depicts the highs, the lows and everything in between.


"Crystal meth" is a very powerful and addictive drug, but considered a trendy club drug by some.

For this family, Chase's addiction to this drug spelt death for him, and a death to the family unit. Need more information on the facts of this terrible and destructive drug?

Did you relate at all to Gordie and what he was going through?

Chase's mother seemed determined to "help" her son, no matter what the cost to the rest of her family. Do you condone her behavior or do you think that she was in complete denial? Discuss.

The very last page of the book depicts a conversation between Gordie and Ryan and it seemed like there was hope that Ryan was beating his addiction and was going to be ok. Even after hearing about Chase's death, it looks like Ryan was on the slippery slope to an addiction, once again. Why do you think, after all the pain and sorow and self inflicted misery that his addiction caused, Ryan would go back to meth as a way out of his reality? Why does any one?